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2.7 Network Interfaces

— Function: sockets:interface-index interface

Return the os index of a network interface.

— Function: sockets:interface-name interface

Return the name of an network interface.

— Function: sockets:make-interface name index

Constructor for interface objects.

— Function: sockets:lookup-interface interface

Lookup an interface by name or index. unknown-interface is signalled if an interface is not found.

— Function: sockets:list-network-interfaces

Returns a list of network interfaces currently available.

— Condition: sockets:unknown-interface

Class precedence list: unknown-interface, enxio, syscall-error, iolib-error, error, serious-condition, iolib-condition, condition, t

Condition raised when a network interface is not found.

— Generic Function: sockets:unknown-interface-datum condition

Return the datum that caused the signalling of an unknown-interface condition.